
aboutHope’s mission is to proclaim God’s truth as we journey with those seeking sexual and relational wholeness through a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.


To form fully devoted followers of Christ who are sexually and relationally whole and living lives consistent with God’s Word.


Transformed and healed lives who live out the Gospel.
We provide a safe place for individuals seeking restoration and healing through weekly support group meetings in person and by zoom, and actively partner with pastors to provide assistance in starting support groups for their churches.
We believe the Scriptures are clear about God’s design for sexuality, and that ultimate joy is found through surrender to Christ. The Gospel of Jesus has the power to transform hearts, and a vibrant relationship with Him changes every aspect of our lives. By providing a safe environment in the freedom to grow in the truth of God’s Word, we see restoration and wholeness emerge from confusion as we journey with those seeking congruence with their faith, their feelings, and God’s truth revealed in His Word.